Improving lives in Papua New Guinea

Welcome to Baptist Union of Papua new guinea

Our Impact

We've worked on improving the lives of people and communities in Papua New Guinea through our programs and projects.

People’s lives are transformed for the better in their relationships with God, one another and their environment.

Serving Holistically

" Our main purpose is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And on our logo, you will see that, Believing God and Serving Holistically "

- John Kaewa, Former Director General

" One of the pillars of this organization is to be very holistic. That means we want to blend the spiritual work of God's Ministry, along with social services such as health, education, HIV/AIDS, community development, water supply, sanitation, gender based violence, women empowerment work, and all those..."

- Kevin Bong, Former Social Services Director

What We Do.....

We Minister

BUPNG Ministry Department Coordinates women ministries in the Baptist Churches in PNG, Evangelist ministries, Missions, Youth Ministries (BUSA, Girls Brigade and Sunday School) and Spiritual Warfare or Prayer Warrior Ministries.

We Educate

Baptist Education Agency runs 40 schools in four provinces, namely; Western Highland, Enga, Sandaun and Southern Highland Provinces. 

The later province has been recently included with the establishment of one school (Kaka Light Education Academy) in Imbongu District. The increase of the total number of schools is a result of three new being established since 2019.

We Support Health Care

In recent years Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea has focused on training VHV & VBAs specifically so they provide assistance to Community Health Workers (CHWs). 

In the rural and remote facilities which can supplement the midwifery workforce in providing the continuum of care for mothers during pregnancy, labour (childbirth), postnatal up to more than 6 to 10 weeks of delivery and provide health education on family planning, nutrition and immunization and others which reliefs a burden on curative health.

We Provide Humanitarian Support

Baptist Union PNG is considered as the Highlands Humanitarian Hub. The Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator looks after CANDO program like Disaster Risk Reduction Activities, Disaster Ready, COVID-19 Theological Messaging, Distribution of PPEs to all the 3 Baptist Hospitals.

We plan and implement amazing projects and programs that help change the lives of marginalized communities in Papua New Guinea

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Disaster response
Water Supply Project at Antinga, Baiyer

A K30,000.00 project funded by Asia-Pacific Baptist Aid, as disaster response after a huge landslide destroyed the community's water source. More than 2000 people will have access to clean water in Antinga, Baiyer, Western Highlands Province.

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community health workers manual
Health Care Manual 3rd Edition Project

The HCM3 project commenced in 2015 and was led by the Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea, and supported by its Project Management Team. Key stakeholders supporting the project included the Church Partnership Program, Christian Health Services, TAI, Health Serve Australia, National Department of Health, Australian Government (DFAT), and partner Churches.

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Training teachers to teach LEM Phonics in elementary and lower primary schools was another important program. Teachers have been teaching phonics and the outcome is the improvement of written and spoken English in children. It's very impressive

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adult literacy program
Adult Literacy Training in Lapalama

Adult Literacy training in remote Lapalama in Kompiam District, Enga Province. Phase 1 TOT training was delivered in 2019. One of the recipients of the TOT training has started the Adult Literacy school and training others in the community.

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Because of our partners, we are doing what we are doing...